The Meandering Path....

Does the walker choose the path, or does the path choose the walker?

Patience Is For Stupid People

You ever have one of those days where you wake up, and it feels like any normal day. The same things are going on that would normally. But. In the back of your head, there's that little dude screaming his head off, which you only hear as the faintest whisper. He's tellin ya something is just wrong, that it's not right, it's not the same, turn away from it all, and head the other way. But the familiarity is there.... you 'know' this, it's typical, it's your 'routine.' How do you escape it? How do you change it, or fix it, or whatever, without disrupting everything else? Is it possible? Or does the idea just get stuck in the limbo that is the recesses of your mind? Or do you risk pulling out the wrong Jenga block only to watch your loss come crashing down around you?
For me, I begin to wonder if it is just any normal day, or is this day different from all of the rest.... I know I want the difference, disturbance, effect, whatever you wanna call it. Am I ready for what I want, or am I trying to push against a force that is so much more than me. I know I have the power to make things change, but why do I always have to be the one, or a part of the group of persons who, start the change, trend, beat, path.... I see people who have the ability/opportunity to have changes happen all around them, and they don't have to lift a finger. I don't want to be that person, god no, I just want the same opportunity. Alas.... it's on it's way, I know, but patience is not a virtue in this case.... Patience is for stupid people.


red velvet tears June 16, 2009 at 4:44 PM  

'can't stop what's coming, can't stop what is on it's way..'

i love you.

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