The Meandering Path....

Does the walker choose the path, or does the path choose the walker?

Was I the only one to fall?

Tell me.... why am i so in my head lately. Chaos and Chimera, and Wise One, have no fathomable thought (if that's even a correct statement) on the going ons and inner workings of me at this point and time.... I know that soon Chaos and i might have a little sit down time just so i can pour out.... I know i could do the same with Chimera, but he and i, Chaos too, know that wouldn't be what's best for me.... Maybe I can try talking with Eris, my high school best friend.... Chaos knows me now, Eris knew me then, and still. I know that my current issues, well some, are just some of the old stagnant one's that i have already dealt with, but have forgotten how to re-conquer. Honestly.... i'm fed up with battles within myself.... i've had too much self discovery and analysis in this short blip of my life.... i know who i am in and out.... i know what an awful and cruel person i am, and what a generous and loving person i am, and the tendencies and neuroses, habits and pet peeves.... but i also know and acknowledge all of the changes that have occurred to and with in myself, and all the new one's on their way.... AND the ones happening right now. I know my Chaos and Chimera will read this eventually, and all that I want from them at the end of me writing this, and them reading it, is a hug; just one of those hugs that tells you, "I'm right here, i always will be; it will all turn out right, it always does; you will be happy, real happy." I know you both have that hug.

Anyway, I have to go Wise One's bitching.... We're in the Apple store and he wants something he can't have and is annoyed cause i'm contently blogging away.... yay public bloggin lol.... but i'm off, til next time ;)


red velvet tears June 19, 2009 at 3:15 PM  

i'm SO mad because i can't read this at work! gah!

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